sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2022

One Last Try

Hi ,


As a final attempt to pique your interest, I wanted to let you know that in exchange for a guest post, quote, or syndicated content, we could give you a link in one of the below websites.









Thanks again for your time - please don't hesitate to reach out in the future if you're interested. 



Juno Yates

On Tue Sep 13 2022 at 5:40:08 PM Juno Yates wrote:


I wanted to follow up and see if you had a chance to see my previous email. 

Our experts have a wide range of knowledge covering everything from mobile app development to design and branding.

Let me know if you are interested in a guest contribution from one of our experts – we'd love to get involved.

Thanks for your time,

Juno Yates

On Fri Sep 09 2022 at 3:21:08 PM Juno Yates wrote:

Hi ,


I hope you're having a great day! My name is Juno and I am a content writer for Big Human! We're known for helping to create major app hits such as Vine and HQ Trivia, with clients from startups to F500 brands. 


I was doing some research on tech business management and I stumbled upon your robust blog https://cahayaku-lyafrina.blogspot.com/2021/07/hire-app-developer-reddit-we-have-team.html ! As a reader, I felt your content was very informative and well-written. I would love to apply my knowledge and research of the tech industry to provide your site with a blog post!


If you are interested in guest submissions, here are some titles I had in mind. If there is one that you feel would fit your blog best, do let me know. Otherwise, I'd be happy to brainstorm other potential title ideas with you! 


  • X Best UX/UI Design Tools for Designers in 2022

  • Leading Ways to Use Digital Strategy to Transform Any Business

  • X Mobile App Development Tips for Your Startup Agency

  • Top Ways UX Research Benefits Your Company

  • Let's Dive Into The Latest NFT Trends of 2022!

Thank you!


Juno Yates | Content Writer

Big Human



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